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Gold stars

Xerox Receives ENERGY STAR® Program’s Highest Honour

Xerox is honoured to receive the ENERGY STAR® 2024 Partner of the Year Award for Sustained Excellence, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Energy’s premier recognition.

Winners are selected from a network of thousands of ENERGY STAR® partners and are a part of a distinguished group that has performed at a superior level of energy management. Winners must:

  • Demonstrate best practices across the organisation;

  • Prove organisation-wide energy savings; and

  • Participate actively and communicate the benefits of ENERGY STAR®.

Our initiative stood out, demonstrating exceptional dedication and leadership in energy efficiency within the ENERGY STAR® program. We have been acknowledged for consistently certifying across our portfolio of eligible new products to ENERGY STAR® standards, reducing energy consumption across both our professional and traditional office imaging equipment. Additionally, our ongoing commitment to raising awareness about ENERGY STAR® and its advantages for clients has been recognised.

“Our commitment to the ENERGY STAR® program reflects our unwavering dedication to energy efficiency," said Wendi Latko, Vice President of Environment, Health, Safety & Sustainability at Xerox. “We continue to work and ensure that all our portfolio of eligible new products meet ENERGY STAR® standards, a testament to the consistency we will continue to uphold. This recognition further reinforces our ongoing efforts to drive sustainability and innovation within our industry." For more about the ENERGY STAR® awards click here and learn more about Xerox’s CSR commitments here.

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