Learn how to give your designs a glow-up.
2025 Dates Coming Soon!
Register for an upcoming designer training session and see how to use popular digital embellishment techniques in your designs.
These monthly sessions are delivered by designers, for designers to help you understand how to correctly prepare files and showcase what is capable with the Vivid and Fluorescent Adaptive CMYK+ Kits on the Xerox® Versant® and Xerox® PrimeLink® Production Press.
Questions and discussion are encouraged to learn from the facilitators and each other.
Vivid Toner Kit
Design and file preparation for Gold, Silver, White and Clear
Duration: 60 min

Fluorescent Toner Kit
Design and file preparation for Fluorescent Cyan, Magenta and Yellow, plus Black
Duration: 60 min

What you will learn
The Vivid and Fluorescent Designer Sessions are led by a facilitator and an experienced designer. Both sessions follow a similar format:
Brief overview of the technology—an approachable, easy to understand overview of Adaptive CMYK+ technology and techniques
Up-level existing jobs—evaluate common CMYK jobs to see how they can make more impact with embellishments; review best practices for prepping files
Create new jobs in Adobe® Creative Cloud—walk through three examples with an experienced designer to learn how to get new embellishment design thinking underway
What you will get
After your session, you will receive:
Links to related resources, including our Global Directory of Adaptive CMYK+ print providers
A recording of the session that can be reviewed or shared

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